Anne performing a newborn exam at home.
Babies benefit from skin to skin with both parents.
Annita weighing a baby at a home visit.
Diane assessing a baby's heartbeat.
Two midwives attend all births, in home and hospital. One midwife looks after Mom and one for baby.
Lucia enjoying one of the many perks of the job, baby cuddles.
Home birth provides a comfortable environment for families to enjoy the immediate bonding time with baby while the midwives still perform necessary medical assessments.
Little bundle of joy at Joseph Brant.
After the postpartum home visits, families come to the clinic for 2, 4, and 6 week baby and mom check ups.
Water is an option for pain relief in labour, both at home and in hospital.
Midwives help to make breastfeeding a success!
The deep focus and concentration it takes to welcome baby into the world.
Getting the whole family involved!
Midwives attend your home for several home visits in the first 10 days for baby and mom check ups.
A supportive midwife team can help many women feel empowered in their labour and birth process.
Waterbirth is a great way to bring our newborns into the world gently and safely.
Encouraging words during the hard parts of labour.
The new addition!
Midwives support a variety of birth plan options.
In home labour assessments are unique to midwifery care.
Home time! Midwives offer flexible options on discharge timing from the hospital, with several home visits in the first two weeks.
Kelly Clancy Life Event Photography
Jennifer Kellner Photography
CK Photography